Can We Apply Quality Deployement Function In Our Logistic Services In Order To Maximize Customer Satisfaction
In this paper we will discuss about Quality Deployment Function and can we apply this methodology for our Logistic Services for satisfy our customers and increase our loyalty with the customer. Lastly discuss some research that had been applied this methodology to Logistics.
What is Quality Deployement Function(QFD)
Quality Deployment Function (QFD) is a measure of customer satisfaction with a product or a service. QFD is a structured method that uses the seven management and planning tools to identify and prioritize customers’ expectations quickly and effectively.
Seven Management and Planning Tools
Affinity diagram: Organizes a large number of ideas into their natural relationships.
Interrelationship diagram: Shows cause-and-effect relationships and helps analyze the natural links between different aspects of a complex situation.
Tree diagram: Breaks down broad categories into finer and finer levels of detail, helping to move step-by-step thinking from generalities to specifics.
Matrix diagram: Shows the relationship between two, three, or four groups of information and can give information about the relationship, such as its strength, the roles played by various individuals, or measurements.
Matrix data analysis: A complex mathematical technique for analyzing matrices, often replaced by the similar prioritization matrix. A prioritization matrix is an L-shaped matrix that uses pairwise comparisons of a list of options to a set of criteria in order to choose the best option(s).
Arrow diagram: Shows the required order of tasks in a project or process, the best schedule for the entire project, and potential scheduling and resource problems and their solutions.
Process decision program chart: Systematically identifies what might go wrong in a plan under development.
My experience with QFD started with System Design lecture that I anticipated in college. I had a term project which I applied this methodology to our project. Project has a several attendants 6 students from Industry and System Engineering and 3 students from Food Engineering. Briefly Project is about creating a new ice cream brand as an Industry Engineer our main part is collect the system requirements other saying customers' expectation about the ice cream. The role of Food Engineers in the project to find chemical procedures that satisfy our customer expectations. The structure and the steps of QFD is down below.
Figure 1 is called House of Quality (HOQ).HOQ gives system designer that his/her customers' satisfaction level compared to other competitive firms and decides to which part of the system must be improved in order to satisfy customer more than or equal to competitor.First step to form the HOQ you need to gather system's requirement which is customers' expectation about the system. There are some methods to do this procedure but I want to tell the method for get customers' exception via doing survey.The questions in the survey is not ordinary questions, it will not be Yes/No questions or it will not give directly the requirement. You need to mine a little bit for the requirement. For instance questions must start with How,Where,When,What,Who,Why. For each question class examples are down below:
- How might we think about this feature a bit differently?
- Where does the process start?
- When do you need to know about…?
- Who will receive the outputs of the feature?
- What would change once XYZ is in place?
- Does this feature meet the business need and solve the problem we’re trying to solve?
I have made some research about QFD specifically applied to Logistic Services and I come with this research.The name of the article HOW KANSEI ENGINEERING, KANO AND QFD CAN IMPROVE LOGISTICS SERVICES.
In the period of 2004 to 2014 there was a significant growth of employment in the logistics sector in Indonesia. This reflects a rapid rise in the need for logistics activities to support outsourcing. Because there is strong competition in the sector, logistics services should be able to deliver both cognitive and affective customer satisfaction. This paper proposes a combined model of Kansei Engineering, Kano, and quality function deployment (QFD), which it is hoped will generate more innovative ideas for improvements related to customer emotional satisfaction and customer delight. A case study in supporting logistics services has been chosen to validate the proposed model, and a survey through face-to-face questionnaires involving 157 customers was carried out. The model was then validated, and through the House of Quality (HoQ) concept, some innovative improvement ideas are proposed. Customer loyalty will be indirectly affected by perceived service quality because of the impact such quality has on the satisfaction that in turn creates loyal customers.
Proposed Model
The framework starts with the problems faced by a particular logistics services company, and then spans the Kansei terms (as the response variables) and perceived service attribute performance (functioning as the predictor variables). Concurrently, a Kano categorization process is conducted to filter the one dimensional and attractive performance indicators (O and A categories) which are sensitive to Kansei.
Requirement Analysis
This study utilizes a survey approach through a face-to-face questionnaire, convenience sampling plan, and involving a specific target of respondents for particular logistics services. Those who had experienced logistics services from XYZ company at least twice within a year were selected as potential subjects.
A case study of IT-based application-supporting logistics services in Surabaya known as XYZ was carried out. XYZ is also known as a hyper local transport service that uses motorcycles. The study involved 157 respondents who had those experienced the services of XYZ over the period August–October 2016.
In the proposed model author used many different tools for satisfying the customers' requirements.However I want to refer application of QFD in this project.
From the research findings, it has been shown that the attribute “cleanliness of helmet for customer” was most important, with a significant correlation with the Kansei terms “professional, innovative, cheap, and precise”. Given limited time, effort, budget or other resources, the company should focus more effort on the cleanliness of helmets and supporting facilities in order to gain more customer emotional satisfaction. Secondly according to QFD A25 requirement (Warranty for orders) and E13 (Confirmation for any cancellations) requirements have importance after the T7 requirement is satisfied. The method for satisfying these requirements are using an application.
To sum up Quality Deployment Function(QFD) is used for listening,analysis the customers' voice.It shows us the where we need to focus and improve for earn more satisfaction and loyalty from the customer. This methodology is applied many sectors over the years, I briefly mentioned my personnel experience with the QFD and application in the Logistic sector.
Chen, M-C., Hsu, C-L., Chang, K-C., Chou, M-C., 2015. Applying Kansei Engineering to Design Logistics Services: A Case of Home Delivery Service. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, Volume 48, pp. 46–59Hartono Markus,Santoso Amelia,Dina Prayogo,2017,HOW KANSEI ENGINEERING, KANO AND QFD CAN IMPROVE LOGISTICS SERVICES.International Journal of Technology
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